What we do


  1. The coordinate opinions and information in the fields of Dentistry and Medicine.
  2. To encourage and publish the articles of Dental and Medical interests.
  3. To foster academic and social interactions amongst University of Ibadan Dental Students.
  4. To maintain contact with and cooperate with other bodies of identical interest within Nigeria and without.
  5. To promote development of the art of writing and research amongst Dental students.
  6. To inculcate a sense of discipline, diligence, resourcefulness and team work in Board Members.


The DENTISCOPE Editorial Board shall embark on the following activities;

    1. The annual production and launch of a Dental journal known as the “ DENTISCOPE”.
    2. Organization of an annual Symposium.
    3. Organization of a Biennial Essay Competition for secondary schools in the state and/or federation.
    4. Organization of a Biennial Quiz Competition between Dental schools within Nigeria and without.
    5. Host an annual luncheon to Honour graduating members, Grand Patrons, Patrons, Sponsors, Editorial Consultants, Editorial Advisers and swearing in of new intakes.
    6. The production of other publications which focus on breakthroughs in the fields of Dentistry, Medicine and other Allied Health Sciences.