- The coordinate opinions and information in the fields of Dentistry and Medicine.
- To encourage and publish the articles of Dental and Medical interests.
- To foster academic and social interactions amongst University of Ibadan Dental Students.
- To maintain contact with and cooperate with other bodies of identical interest within Nigeria and without.
- To promote development of the art of writing and research amongst Dental students.
- To inculcate a sense of discipline, diligence, resourcefulness and team work in Board Members.
The DENTISCOPE Editorial Board shall embark on the following activities;
- The annual production and launch of a Dental journal known as the “ DENTISCOPE”.
- Organization of an annual Symposium.
- Organization of a Biennial Essay Competition for secondary schools in the state and/or federation.
- Organization of a Biennial Quiz Competition between Dental schools within Nigeria and without.
- Host an annual luncheon to Honour graduating members, Grand Patrons, Patrons, Sponsors, Editorial Consultants, Editorial Advisers and swearing in of new intakes.
- The production of other publications which focus on breakthroughs in the fields of Dentistry, Medicine and other Allied Health Sciences.